Tuesday, April 11, 2017

Why ASL?

I was wondering why everyone chose to study ASL and Deaf culture. What is your story? Did you meet a Deaf person, are you related to a Deaf person, think ASL is a cool language......? I personally became interested in ASL because I have a cousin who is Deaf and I was always interested in her language and her culture. When I came to college and had the chance and the time to take ASL classes, I was so excited that I signed up for a minor.


  1. My mom use to use a few signs with me as a kids like eat and milk. As I got older I wanted to learn more so I learned my ABCs and a few signs. I didn't really get in to ASL until I worked in a Deaf classroom my sophomore year of high school. I knew after that I wanted to learn more and work as a teacher for the deaf. Now that I'm in college I'm learning so much even though I haven't had a class yet just living on the ASL LLC helps so much.

  2. I met a man at the pharmacy I work at and he was deaf. No one could talk to him, and I felt God tell me I need to pursue sign language. I started college that fall, and hadn't seen him again. One week, we got our schedule and I was scheduled at a different location than the pharmacy I usually worked at, and I was very upset because I didn't know many people there. When Saturday came I was nervous and aggravated, but that day, the same man I had saw months earlier came through and I got to sign with him a little bit. I knew right then ASL was going to be worth it.

  3. I think I talked about this in Olivia's, but I was really intrigued by ASL as well as its effects on the toddler that I met, Toby. It was really interesting to see how he quickly he was acquiring the language, as well as how the other students were interested in learning ASL because they could talk with a boy who was so mysterious to them haha. I really wanted to help him and other children who are deaf as much as I could, and the only way I could think to help them was through teaching them in early elementary school.

  4. I took ASL classes my freshman year, and just thought the language was interesting. I knew friends who were taking ASL classes and decided to take it with them. I enjoyed them from where I took them .

  5. I wanted to study ASL and major in education of the deaf and hard of hearing because I have always wanted to work with kids, I just didn't know exactly how. One day someone was talking to me about deaf education and it really interested me. I have always thought ASL was a beautiful language and I will need it in the future for my job educating deaf and hard of hearing children.

  6. I really wanted to learn ASL because we used some sign in the autism unit I worked in. Some children who have autism are non-verbal and cant communicate through spoken english, or some can only use limited words. So, we would teach them some basic signs, like more, please, need, bathroom, etc. in order to help them communicate in some way. So, I knew some things such as that and I knew my alphabet. Then I got to EKU and realized we had a whole ASL department and wanted to just further my knowledge. I always thought it was such a cool language and just wanted to be able to do more than spell my name!

  7. There isn't really a specific story as to why I wanted to learn ASL! My dad took a class in college when I was younger and I just peaked an interest, learned a few things on my own and then jumped at the opportunity to learn the whole language and learn about the culture when I came to EKU!

  8. I was interested to learn ASL because of other relationships. I know two deaf/hard of hearing people, but neither of them sign. One is my father and the other was a good friend in high school. I have seen what hearing aids and implants have to offer to and since I was never presented the opportunity to know about sign and Deaf culture, so I decided to take some classes when I came to college! Learning about ASL has been an eye opening experience and I would love to see my father learn someday.

  9. I had taken 2 years in high school, but didn't really know much. I then came here to eastern, and my roommate last year is Deaf, so I picked up a lot from that. After becoming an interpreting major, my life revolved around ASL and i completely fell in love. Now I basically sign more than I talk!
